Sprockets Acquired HourWork: Transition to the New Platform Now!

In case you haven’t heard, Sprockets recently acquired HourWork and built a new platform with the same functionality (HourWork Powered by Sprockets). It is critical that you transition to this new platform since your current account will soon be shut down.

What You Need to Know:

  • Transition: Your agreement with HourWork has been terminated, but we are inviting all former customers to reactivate their service under the new HourWork platform by Sprockets. A new agreement will be required to continue your service.
  • Pricing Honor: We are committed to honoring the pricing structures from your previous agreement with HourWork.
  • Special Discount: To show our appreciation and to ease this transition, we are offering a discounted rate based on any payments you have already made to HourWork, Inc.

Please schedule a call with the new HourWork team to get started with the new platform and learn more about the enhanced features now available to you.

“HourWork provided us with an avenue to be able to connect with employees and take care of challenges immediately. And then you saw the turnover curve just keep going down and down.” Reactivated HourWork Customer (CPO at Bluemont Group, LLC)