Let us brief you on what we are seeing so far in 2023 and what it could mean for restaurants and the quick service industry.

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What’s Included in the Report?

Exclusive Data

Input from hundreds of thousands of surveys taken by the employees of 10,000+ restaurants.

Valuable Insights

Find out which topics are mentioned by employees during the critical onboarding experience - and what are the top five reasons given for quitting.

Who is this report for?

If you want insights into what we are seeing so far in 2023 and what it could mean for restaurants and the quick-service industry, it is for you!

Employees are 5x more likely to quit due to...

Find out the answer to this and many more key insights to drive your retention in 2023.

"What do today's employees want!?"

  • This report will help you get the answers for 2023 and beyond.

Who is HourWork?

We’re glad you asked! We’re a company that works with over 10,000+ QSR locations across brands like McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, Domino's and most likely yours too! Our easy-to-use software does two things:

We improve applicant flow

We help you double applicant flow by re-engaging the people you already know – past applicants and former employees.

We increase retention

We help you increase retention by 30% or more by figuring out what matters most to your employees through our automated check-ins so you can build employee loyalty and prevent turnover.

Request a Demo

To learn more click here and book a 15-minute demo with us.


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The State of Recruitment & Retention in QSR: 2023 Trends & Wage Predictions