What’s this text all about?
We have set up a text program so that you can easily tell us if you have questions, concerns or feedback. This text program will also allow us to check in with you to make sure you are happy with your work and support you if you need help with anything.
Why am I getting this?
You are important to us. We want you to work here for a long time and we want to make sure you are having a great work experience.
This texting tool helps us to keep in touch, celebrate milestones like your birthday and give you an easy way to be in touch should you have questions or feedback.
How does it work?
It’s simple. You’ll get texts and emails every couple of weeks. When you reply, your message will go directly to management and the leadership team. We will reply back to you in the same text and/or email thread.
Are my responses anonymous?
No. Sometimes you will get anonymous surveys, but it’s just like
texting a manager directly. Plus, we want to be able to follow up to help you support you or or answer your questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my manager get mad if I give feedback?
Not at all! We want to make your experience better and hear all your feedback!
Am I expected to respond?
No, but we hope you do! We love to learn about your experience, how we can help you, and what we can do better!
Can I use this to call out sick?
No! This is just for feedback. It doesn’t count as a sick line.
What do I get out of this?
Tell us how to improve your work experience. Tell us if you want to join the management track! Help us make sure you have everything you need to be successful here.